miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

National Holidays

Hello classmates!
Today I will talk about latest national holidays. This year national holidays was very especial, not only because were a lot of days, but also because I traveled to Tongoy. I traveled with my friend Gabriela, my little brother Gaspar, and his friend Mauricio. in Tongoy also were my grandparents, and my cousins Sebastian and Nicolas ​​with their girlfriends. Every day we went to the beach to take a nap after the big barbecue lunch. On that’s barbecues, I must did every day the “pebre”, because my granddad said that my “pebre” is the best.  at night some days we took a drink, but other days we went down to the village to try to enter any “fonda”. But it was very difficult because it was many tourists in town, and all the “fonda” was full. That made us decide to do our own Fonda at home, and we invite all our good friends to a very big barbecue. That was very fun, my cousin Sebastian invited a friend who is Disc jockey, and we danced all night!!

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